Cabling is the very backbone of your network infrastructure. Much of poor networking performance can be traced to cable that is of the wrong type, has been improperly run, or has been improperly terminated. At Austin IT Group, we pride ourselves on doing the job right the first time. This means not only observing all applicable laws, regulations, rules and standards, but taking the time to route, run, dress and terminate your cables for optimum performance and picture-perfect aesthetics. Every cable is individually tested to ensure reliability. Every patch cable is properly and neatly routed between patch panels and networking equipment.
The pictures on this page illustrate how the condition of this building entrance terminal deteriorated over time and what Austin IT Group did to correct the situation. Without disrupting service to any of the tenants in this apartment building, we removed the termination blocks from the wall, installed a fire-rated backboard and mounted a Cat 6 patch panel onto the backboard. We then ran new Cat 6 cable alongside the existing Cat 3 cable and cut the lines over one at a time, terminating them onto the new patch panel. The results are clear and dramatic.
Whether you need new cabling run or your existing cabling cleaned up, we are determined to exceed your expectations.
Contact Us today to let us know how we may help you with your cabling needs.